Job search 50 years ago why it was permanent and now its temporary

2 min readNov 27, 2023

Significantly different process compared to today.

Here are some key aspects of job searching during that time:

  1. Limited Job Listings:
  • Job listings were primarily found in newspapers, trade publications, and industry-specific magazines. Job seekers would scan these printed materials to find suitable opportunities.

2. Physical Resumes:

  • Job seekers would typically submit physical resumes and cover letters by mail. The application process involved printing and mailing these documents to potential employers.

3. Face-to-Face Networking:

  • Networking was done mainly through face-to-face interactions. This involved attending industry events, conferences, and social gatherings to make connections and learn about job opportunities.

4. Company Visits:

  • Job seekers often visited companies in person to inquire about job openings. This direct approach was more common, especially for entry-level positions.

5. Local Focus:

  • Job searches were often limited to local or regional areas. Relocation for a job was less common, and people tended to find work within their immediate communities.

6. Limited Information:

  • Access to information about companies and job opportunities was more limited. Job seekers relied heavily on local sources and personal networks for insights into potential employers.

7. Longer Hiring Processes:

  • The hiring process was generally slower. It involved multiple rounds of interviews and sometimes additional assessments. Employers took more time to make decisions, and the entire process could take several weeks.

8. Job Security Expectations:

  • The concept of job security was more prevalent. Many individuals expected to work for the same company for a significant portion of their careers, and the idea of frequent job changes was less common.

9. Telephone Communication:

  • Communication during the job search process relied heavily on telephone calls and written letters. There was no email or instant messaging for quick and convenient communication.

10. Limited Job Market Information:

  • Job market information was not as readily available as it is today. Job seekers had to rely on personal contacts and local resources to gather information about available opportunities and the overall job market.

Overall, the job search process was more localized, paper-based, and reliant on personal connections. The advent of the internet and digital technology has since transformed how people search for and apply to jobs, providing greater accessibility to information and expanding the reach of job seekers beyond their immediate geographical locations.

Now world has been evolved in so many aspects and its very difficult to get pass through the interview process.Some say its ease of access but difficult to hire and earn money at the same time.

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I am a software developer and international dance fitness instructor