How AI hiring process works

2 min readNov 30, 2023

The use of AI in hiring processes, including the use of algorithms to screen and reject candidates based on keywords and other criteria, has both benefits and challenges. Here are some considerations:


  1. Efficiency: AI can quickly process large volumes of resumes and applications, saving time for recruiters and HR professionals.
  2. Objective Screening: AI systems can be designed to assess candidates based on predefined criteria without biases related to gender, race, or other personal characteristics.
  3. Consistency: AI systems can consistently apply the same criteria to all applicants, avoiding variations that might occur with human reviewers.


  1. Algorithmic Bias: If the algorithms are trained on biased data, they may perpetuate or even amplify existing biases in the hiring process. For example, if historical hiring data has biases, the AI might learn and reproduce those biases.
  2. Lack of Context: AI systems may not understand the context of certain terms or experiences listed on a resume, leading to the rejection of potentially qualified candidates.
  3. Limited Understanding of Soft Skills: AI may struggle to evaluate soft skills, interpersonal qualities, and cultural fit, which are often critical in a work environment.
  4. Exclusion of Non-Traditional Candidates: Candidates with non-traditional career paths or experiences may be overlooked if they don’t match the predefined keywords or criteria.
  5. Loss of Personal Touch: The human touch in the hiring process, such as understanding the candidate’s unique story, motivations, and potential, may be lost with automated systems.

Mitigation Strategies:

  1. Regular Audits: Regularly audit and update algorithms to ensure they are not inadvertently biased and are aligned with current hiring goals.
  2. Human Oversight: Include human reviewers in the process to handle nuanced situations, provide context, and ensure a more holistic evaluation.
  3. Transparency: Provide transparency to candidates about the use of AI in the hiring process, including the criteria used for evaluation.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Continuously gather feedback from rejected candidates to identify and address any issues with the AI screening process.

While AI can be a valuable tool in the hiring process, it’s essential to use it ethically, responsibly, and in conjunction with human judgment to create a fair and effective hiring system.




I am a software developer and international dance fitness instructor